Chronic prostatitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Urological diseases prostatitis is a male disease severity between the third. More than 20 % men, ages 20 to 50 years chronic prostatitis.

The frequent cases of prostatitis the disease, especially lately among young males (85%) who have had sexually transmitted diseases. Treatment for prostate cancer means that it takes a comprehensive approach, and that's a long time. Directly related to men such as genitourinary, reproductive function, suggests new ways of relevance for the purposes of the treatment of prostatitis is indicative of a problem.

What are prostatitis?

Swelling due to inflammatory processes prostatitis the prostate gland, secretory tissue. Male patient prostatitis usually more often. The main reason is to prostatitis anatomical features, structure and layout of prostate.

Share a lot of the prostate gland in the pelvic area caused by independent are arranged. There is only this, glandular and output channels through the roots of a fabric occurs. A secret that accumulates in these channels, which is called prostatic juice. Use this water a breeding ground for semen, but at the same time, feeds him, into various male reproductive system organs bacteria and viruses. In addition, prostate, genital blood flow greatly affects the speed of their their. The recession starts inflammatory processes therefore most cloth diapers. Complications of chronic prostatitis tumor may lead to the formation of iron, stone, or infertility.

Prostatitis is a kind

Two main classification of acute and chronic prostatitis. Usually, the acute 90% of cases of chronic prostatitis spread, because during cracking or inappropriate drugs in patients with chronic prostatitis or elected until the end of treatment.

The distinguishing feature of acute prostatitis, chronic symptoms that are than those with. As there is recurrence of chronic prostatitis in acute cases, begins when an inflammatory process. General chronic prostatitis, must be treated of emergency, which is almost a diagnosis.

Also prostatitis are divided into two groups, according to the inflammation of the lesions.

  • The first group – bacterial prostatitis. So, the source of infection of various bacteria, viruses, sticks, mushrooms.
  • The second group is based on examining cases prostatitis can result in internal damage. The prostate juice prostate and blood vessels them every recession in the country. Why recession is usually irregular sexual life.
  • Chronic prostatitis symptoms in men

Chronic prostatitis: the reason

Next is called chronic bacterial prostatitis, gram-negative bacteria applies to:

  • Escherichia coli;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • Shooting faecalis.

Chronic infectious prostatitis is designed by a range of micro-biological centers of prostate lesions:

  • Staphylococci;
  • Gonorrhea;
  • Ureaplasma;
  • Microplasma bacteria and other sexually transmitted infections.

90% of the cases occur when you have to enter through the body through the urethra. Undergoing complication called prostatitis chronic urethritis.

When a second risk is that chronic nonspecific prostatitis refers to itself. Prostate gland development the main reasons for internal damage:

  • Unprotected anal sex;
  • Infection, urinary channels;
  • Reflux of urine from the bladder to the diaper (reflex intraprostatic);
  • Continuous use of urethral catheter.

Why urethra often chronic or worsening infection or a series of external or internal factors such as a weakened immune the body against physical, chemical injury, adverse working conditions, diseases, and cardiovascular system. How treatable, chronic prostatitis – net don't give her the answer to this question because several factors the effect of the treatment can cause a relapse.

Chronic prostatitis symptoms in men

Usually chronic non-bacterial prostatitis asymptomatic for a long period of developing. For this reason, an expression that only occurs when that most men turn around and in the clinic, such as acute prostatitis, or may relapse more gentle signs.

Observed in patients with acute prostatitis sharp pain the lower pelvis, increased body temperature, acute the inability to defecate due to pain, weakness, numbness, joint pain. In general, expressed as clinical poisonings.

Seen in chronic prostatitis are:

  • Rapidly a last periodic nagging groin pain, pubic and groin;
  • Decreased libido;
  • Change the period of sexual intercourse (ejaculation or decrease time depending on the individuality of the organism observed or increased);
  • Feelings of loss of sexual interest;
  • Urethral discharge;
  • Chronic prostatitis can also be seen that the smallest temperature.

Chronic prostatitis pain more sharp and strong character and it could be more often depending on the degree of lesions. It is the same with acute and chronic prostatitis symptoms, severe disease.

Chronic prostatitis is more threatening

Prostatitis male reproductive effects in the first place. The urge in men, prolonged absence, loss of interest, not just sexual life, but also uncomfortable process in the production of sperm. Therefore, chronic prostatitis and pregnancy are closely related to the status of spouse or sexual partner. The treatment of patients with chronic prostatitis have reproductive disorders, clinical development, male and female fertility.

Prostatitis diagnosis

If it is a disease or just chronic prostatitis husband of a doubt, then immediately guide him or urologist andrologist standing. Even male the difference is only a symptom above, you must seek the advice still. The doctor, guidance, survey, this includes:

  • Is used to treat a variety of tests.
  • Pelvic ultrasonography anomaly determination;
  • Rectal examination prostate cancer.

Juice prostate rectal examination the doctor takes October, is then examined in the laboratory determination of the presence of bacteria and diseases. It's not garbage, any suggested methods of examination, because this can not give a complete picture of the situation in the event of failure of the clinical treatment of prostate, chronic bacterial prostatitis, in such a case and thus may worsen the perceived unpleasant for most people, the plight of the men.

Also blood test, PSA. This analysis is performed for the purpose of determining the education of benign and malignant tumors in the prostate gland. The questionnaire is an integral part of chronic prostatitis in the dog.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis

Medicine, etc the treatment of chronic prostatitis

Chronic prostatitis are difficult to treat because it may happen for a while. Remission of chronic prostatitis but if it is not any inconvenience for men. So far the price was acceptable and the positive results that it is antibacterial treatment. As in most cases, the bacterial pathogen is fully depending on the infectious agent, the immune drugs for treatment of the selected patient. Treatment of chronic prostatitis in men this is a long a laborious process it requires, effort, and patience, but can be obtained as a result of the absence of recurrence many years. In most cases, the acute form of treatment of chronic prostatitis completely apart, but the techniques of modern medicine I was able to everything you need to make the treatment of chronic prostatitis. Of various drugs in medicine, acute, chronic prostatitis, inflammation swelling to help remove and clean.

A popular wide-magneto-laser-therapy inductor, ultrasound, prostate massage and thermal treatments. To apply for the most effective methods to fight with prostate massage have been proven, therefore garbage is not treated in this way. Medicine, etc the treatment of chronic prostatitis – this is just a start and the process of healthy living. I didn't bother for a long time, you need to follow for prostatitis, with chronic prostatitis comprehensive treatment will be described below.

Turkish folk treatment of chronic prostatitis

Have a good effect, and the tools traditional medicine for the treatment of prostatitis. The most ancient of prostatitis, because chronic disease, and extracts of various herbs for a long time, then recovery has a positive effect on prostate, chronic prostatitis. In this case many different of traditional medicine infusions, decoctions, masks, ointments and candles.

The most commonly used pumpkin seeds. Seeds 20 seeds for 25 minutes consume them before meals, an infusion with honey and seeds. Also recommended to drink before meals cooked daily own juice, asparagus, carrot, beetroot and cucumber.

An effective drug, etc chronic prostatitis – this propolis. She did it, the candles, including the fundamental, as well as plants, wine, flour and honey. Thanks chronic prostatitis treatment good antibacterial properties, propolis, significantly reduces infection of the lesions. Chronic prostatitis based of propolis and also produce dozens of other products.

Chronic prostatitis diet

Like any other disease, some limitations chronic prostatitis requires commitment during the meal. A food containing a large number of products will be important in zinc. These include all nuts, especially pumpkin, pumpkin seeds, whole grains. Avoid spicy and salty foods that should be avoided. Items that get, irritation of the urinary tract, chronic prostatitis what provokes general. Nutrition in chronic prostatitis should be carefully monitored, and the patient and the selected physician diet depending on the severity of illness that may occur.

Exercise and chronic prostatitis

Chronic prostatitis affects the intensity of exercise, blood circulation and metabolism of iron. Therefore, it is important not only diet pills and over time, but at the same time every morning exercise. To improve the gland function is required for walking, squats, to do different exercises for warming Nov thighs, pelvis and lower back. Sex chronic prostatitis is recommended, but it should be continuous and regular without a change sexual partners.